Hi to everyone out there reading this blog! I'm excited to tell you all about how I'm busting through this winter depression that is trying to pull me down. I don't know if you or someone you know deals with seasonal depression, but we have been socked in for weeks without sunshine and it's driving me crazy! So what I been doing to fight the blues is sports and outside physical activities, even though I don't want to do it and it hurts. I've been putting myself out there and trying new stuff. My cousin Vera has encourage me and a few other ladies to try a 30 day squat challenge. Here's a link to the challenge if you want to try it yourself. Hey, what do you have to lose? :) http://www.fitsugar.com/30-Day-Squat-Challenge-30806625?fb_action_ids=600164606716571&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B156944174490876%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
The picture below with the little bumblebee and write-up on how to fight depression is home-made. It's just a few tips and ideas that may work for you, and the picture was actually taken by my seven-year-old daughter Gillian. Super proud of this photo. I let her loose in the garden with my long-lens camera and this is the photo that she captured. I hope that you are making it through these winter blues! Let me know if you've any questions or comments or any other great ideas on how to get through gloomy days :)
Here is a picture from this weekend. Above the clouds at Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre.
This picture is the best way to describe how low the clouds are in the valley and how dark it gets once we are in town. That white expanse is the top of the clouds which are covering the whole valley. The mountain is the perfect place to get some sun at this time of year:)
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Yours truly
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